Super Support

Assembling your psoriasis care team is like assembling a team of superheroes, each with their own special ability. You need friends to make sure you’re living your life and still having fun. You need family to offer support through tough times. You need healthcare providers who will listen to you and partner with you in your care.
However, regarding your psoriasis, the most important member of your care team that you recruit might be your dermatologist.
Your family doctor may have been the one who first diagnosed you with psoriasis. But having a dermatologist who specializes and treats skin diseases, like psoriasis, can offer all types of helpful insights.

It goes without saying that finding the right dermatologist for you is an important process. Here are some things to consider as you search:

Do you have a referral?
Sometimes the best place to start is by asking your family physician or other healthcare professionals for recommendations.

Are you being heard?
Make sure your dermatologist is listening to you and working with you to find a treatment plan that you’re both confident in.

Does your insurance cover it?
Insurance coverage is a practical matter you should consider when considering a doctor.
Remember, you don’t have to rush to choose a dermatologist. Psoriasis is a chronic condition, and treating it can be a process. That’s why it’s important to find a doctor who will listen to you, and partner with you, to develop a treatment plan that's right for you.
For more tips for talking to your dermatologist, read our Questions to Ask Your Dermatologist ➜