How Biologics Work

There are treatment options that reduce inflammation—and they all work differently. Let’s learn how biologics work inside your body to help reduce excess inflammation.

Person looking at plaque psoriasis on knee Person looking at plaque psoriasis on knee Person looking at plaque psoriasis on knee
Molecular structure symbolizing how biologics work Molecular structure symbolizing how biologics work Molecular structure symbolizing how biologics work

Biologics are made up of highly specialized, living molecules. In your body, they’ll attach to specific proteins that when over-produced, can contribute to the inflammation associated with psoriasis. By doing so, they may be able to reduce inflammation and symptoms of psoriasis. Different biologics work by identifying and attaching to different proteins.

Is It Right for Me?

Biologics are prescription medicines that are reserved for people with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. That’s why you should have an open conversation with a dermatologist to learn more about the risks and benefits of biologics to see if they may be an appropriate treatment option for you.

Need help getting that conversation started? Here are some helpful talking tips for your next appointment.

Illustration of a person with questions about biologics Illustration of a person with questions about biologics Illustration of a person with questions about biologics
Illustration of a person with questions about biologics Illustration of a person with questions about biologics Illustration of a person with questions about biologics

Learn about a biologic treatment option for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis,