Psoriasis Severity

Step 1. Where are you currently experiencing plaque psoriasis symptoms? 

Click on the parts of the body that match where you have plaques. Check as many areas as necessary.

Hand with “1%” on it

Part of how your dermatologist determines severity is to assess the body surface area (BSA), the percentage of your body covered by plaques. 

Doctors also look at whether you have plaques in sensitive areas or in places that have a greater impact on your life.  

When determining plaque psoriasis severity, dermatologists also consider the location of the plaques, not just how much of the body is covered. 

Plaques that appear in a sensitive area—or are especially thick, red, scaly, or itchy—could be a sign that your psoriasis is more severe, even if it’s on 1 or 2 parts of your body. Talk with your doctor to better understand your psoriasis severity. 

Step 2. Help your doctor understand with more detail. Describe what percentage of your body is affected by psoriasis.

You can use your hand to help. Using one hand to represent 1% of body surface area (BSA), measure how much of your body is covered by plaques.

Illustration of a dermatologist talking to his patient

Have your symptoms changed or increased in the past year? Be sure to tell your doctor if you’re experiencing new or worsening symptoms.

Symptom Experience 

Step 1.  In the past 3 months, how often have you experienced a flare-up? (Flare-ups are any days your psoriasis symptoms reappear or worsen.)

In the past 3 months, I’ve had flare-ups.

Step 2. How long does a flare-up typically last for you?

Typically, a flare-up lasts for me.

Step 3. Have your flare-ups improved or worsened over the past year?

My flare-ups have over the past year.

If your flare-ups are becoming more intense or lasting for longer periods, it’s important to describe those details to your dermatologist at your next appointment.

Daily Life

Step 1. How many hours a week do you typically spend caring for your psoriasis? (Be sure to include time spent selecting clothes and applying medications.) 

I spend a week caring for my psoriasis.

Is that more time than you were spending a year ago? Less?

It’s important to keep track so you can give your doctor a complete picture of how your disease impacts your life. Think back over the past year and note how things have changed. If you can, log the information on your phone or in a journal.

Based on how much time you’re spending managing your disease, your doctor may want to reevaluate your treatment.

Step 2. How does psoriasis make you feel? (Check all that apply.) 

The effects of psoriasis can extend beyond what’s on your skin. Consider sharing your personal experience with your doctor so they can fully understand both the physical and emotional impact it has on you.

Those details can help your doctor provide the most appropriate treatment approach for you.

Setting Goals

If you feel like you have a limited amount of time with your dermatologist these days, it helps to organize your thoughts before your appointment to keep your conversation on track.

So, what’s an effective way to keep the focus on what matters to you?


Create a treatment goal.

To describe your expectations in an actionable way and move your conversation forward, answer the questions below to generate your goal statement. If providing more than 1 answer in each field, use commas to separate your responses.

Here’s an example of how your answers will look in a goal statement:

"I’ve been using current treatment for period of time, but I'm still experiencing symptom/s. I’d like to see result/s in length of time."

I've been using for , but I’m still experiencing . I'd like to see  .

Giving your dermatologist clear goals not only helps them focus on what matters most to you, but it also gives them the tools they need to provide a treatment approach that’s tailored to your individual needs.

You’re almost all set! By clicking "See your full appointment guide," you’ll be directed to your answers.  

Your guide is here!

Let's get your conversation ready.

Fill in your email address to receive all your answers in your inbox, or click the link below to download a PDF version. You can have this ready for your next in-person or online doctor’s appointment to help focus the conversation on what matters most to you.

Please note: If you are experiencing any joint pain or stiffness, be sure to mention it to your dermatologist at your next appointment.

Thank you. Your email has been sent.

You've choosen not to answer the following question(s).

Where are you currently experiencing symptoms? 

Help your doctor understand with more detail. Describe what percentage of your body is affected by psoriasis.

In the past 3 months, how often have you experienced a flare-up? (Flare-ups are any days your psoriasis symptoms reappear or worsen.)

How long does a flare-up typically last for you?

Have your flare-ups improved or worsened over the past year?

How many hours a week do you typically spend caring for your psoriasis? (Be sure to include time spent selecting clothes and applying medications.) 

How does psoriasis make you feel? (Check all that apply.) 

What treatment(s) are you currently using?

How long have you been on your current treatment(s)?

If you’re still experiencing symptoms, what are they?

What goal are you hoping to achieve with treatment?

Is there a timeframe for reaching your goal?

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